Sunday, June 7, 2015


In some ways, deleting any books from "the list" defeats the whole purpose. But the list in my head varies from the official list in one major way. Most official "Gilmore Girls Book Lists" talk about being the books that Rory read, and that was a big part of the reason I decided to do this challenge: to feel a kindred spirit with this fictional character who also loved to read.

A deeper look reveals something about "the list." The books listed are simply all of the books referred to or seen on the show, not necessarily ones that she read. For the sake of time, I am not double checking every book of the list, finding how they occurred in the show and then deciding to read them or not. But if there are books that are less than favorable reading material... yeah, I am going to make sure that it was Rory herself who read or referred to the book (as one she had read).

A big delete made in this way is the series by Kagan on Greek history. It was going to be big, fat, boring history books, quite a challenge. I checked on it. Turns out these books were given to Rory's grandfather as a gift... NOT read by Rory herself. So... delete!

Robert's Rules of Order<-- 800 page book on how to run a meeting. Checked the reference in the show, Paris lectured someone about it, not Rory, and doesn't sound like a reading book as much as a reference book. So, delete. 

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